Bemo Cloud app for iPhone and iPad
Bemo Cloud integrates many different modules on a single platform to help administrators and employees have flexible access, easy operation, and handle work anytime, anywhere, thereby increasing work productivity business work.
Features of Bemo Cloud:
- Human Resource: Provide an overview of human resources.
- Attendances: Check in/ Check out linh hoạt, dữ liệu chấm công cập nhật theo thời gian thực.
- TimeOff: Create requests and track leave status easily.
- Overtime: Create requests, view overtime information quickly.
- Equipment: Standardize processes, minimize losses and improve work processing efficiency.
- Booking Room Meeting: Convenient room booking, improving meeting quality.
- Salary and Benefits: Specific information, convenient access to salary slips.
- Task management: Assessment objectively and increase work productivity.
- Customer Relationship Management: Understanding customers, developing business.